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Friday, 3 July 2015

Gallery and Gardens

There has been a lot of catching up to do with my Nottingham friends. Last night we went to the opening of the Pablo Bronstein and the Treasures of Chatsworth Exhibition at the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery. Four Gallery rooms present a contemporary interpretation of the Grand Tour, using treasures from Chatsworth and Bronstein's own drawings and artworks. Born in Buenos Aires, Bronstein is based in London.

Gallery 1 includes a series of Bronstein drawings inspired by the Via Appia, along with such treasures as Foot Wearing Sandal - a Roman Marble from 150-50BC 
a marble bath
and the Coronation Chairs of William IV and Queen Adelaide  - also used by George IV (they did look worn!)
- fragments of lives and of history. 

The architectural representations of Chatsworth on the walls of Gallery 3, apparently on wallpaper, had a great three dimensional effect while Gallery 4 features an extraordinary collection of silverware displayed in a temple construction with internal mirrors magnifying the collection even further.
It also contains a vitrine of Delft earthenware flower pyramids, right in the gallery window.
Th exhibition is an intelligent and interesting take on not only the Grand Tour, but collecting in general, the relationship between space and objects, and between architecture and domestic activity.

I am staying in the Lady Bay area of Nottingham, and this weekend is Open Garden weekend, when local gardeners open their gardens to the public for charity. It was very pleasant to be able to wander around the block, visiting people's gardens.

Most provided a brief description of their garden - formal/informal, bordered, organic, water features.
It was interesting to see, from the backs, that most gardens in the area, not just those open for inspection, are well cultivated and rich with foliage.
It also provided an opportunity to look at the always interesting chimney-scape.
One gardener provided photos, plans and progress reports on the garden's development. 
The streets themselves in Lady Bay are bright with colour and very attractive. 
I am lucky to be here when the sun is shining and the efforts of so many local people are paying off and available to look at. Lots of people of all ages were out looking. My friend's garden sports some lovely flowers, including this rose. 


  1. So much sun!!!! Out here this weekend too but pretty chilly - prepare yourself. Kxx

  2. How wonderful to visit the everyday as well as the curated.
