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Thursday, 2 July 2015

York Minster Embroideries

Today I have travelled from York to Nottingham, where I am staying with friends. Today's post is a catch-up, to allow me to write about the embroideries at York Minster.

There are numerous pieces of needlework within the Minster, from exquisite needlepoint kneelers,
to banners

There is also a beautiful children's  hanging made by the York Minster Broderers Guild in 1993.
Each square is about 6 inches and represents an animal found in the Cathedral. The panels are worked by individuals whose names appear on a list beside the work. There are 36 squares.
I have tried to capture as many as I can individually - they are so lovely.

There is also an altar frontal, worked by cathedral women in the 1950's. The woman who spoke to me in the Cathedral told me it was a thanksgiving after the war. The backing fabric has been replaced once.
There is a matching Bible frontal.
I was surprised at the date. I'd have guessed 1970s.
My informant, the woman who approached me in the Cathedral, is a member of the York Minster Broderers (formed in 1967) currently working on a new frontal soon to be completed and dedicated later this year. 

When I returned to the Minster the next day, the frontal had been changed, so I was fortunate to see the one above. The second one is patchwork and appliqué with gold work to catch the light.
There is a lot more embroidery in the Cathedral treasury. I feel pleased to have seen as much as I have, to be able to get close enough to see it clearly, to photograph it and to have a conversation with one of the Broderers.


  1. Beautiful work. Acts of true devotion.

  2. They are an active group. What a rich variety of work! I'm sure that 1950s cloth raised a few eyebrows at the time, but it is really beautiful. I bet your "informant" was happy to find a knowledgeable visitor! :)
